Book Description
Each Training Guide will be organized around the exam objectives. This makes it very easy for readers to focus on areas where they need to im-prove. It also helps them identify what the key topics on the exam will be. The TOC for MCSE Tr -Concise, clearly delineated coverage of the key concepts necessary to pass the new Windows 98 exam -Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine recently ranked New Riders Training Guide series far ahead of the other competing products -New pedagogical elements, including a second color and additional review questions, help readers maximize their study time -Exclusive Test Engine provides readers with a testing situation similar to what they find on the actual exam
MCSE Windows 98: Covers Exam: 70-098 FROM THE PUBLISHER
Pass the new MCSE Windows 98 exam with the help of this training guide and CD-ROM. The Test Engine allows the reader to become familiar with the look, feel, and pressure of a timed, computer-delivered exam.