If you're concerned about the security of personal information on your computer--or in your e-mail--get PGP using this book. Garfinkel's guide to PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption software is a comprehensive guide to secure encryption for everyone and anyone. So much so that even Phil Zimmerman, who created PGP, said he learned new things from this book. But more than that, it takes you behind the scenes into the fascinating history and workings of the great intellectual adventure story of cryptography. This book is a fascinating read as well as a top-notch guide, and is needed now more than ever.
Book Description
PGP is a free and widely available encryption program that lets you protect files and electronic mail. Written by Phil Zimmermann and released in 1991, PGP works on virtually every platform and has become very popular both in the U.S. and abroad. Because it uses state-of-the-art public key cryptography, PGP can be used to authenticate messages, as well as keep them secret. The ability to protect the secrecy and authenticity of messages is a vital part of being able to conduct business on the Internet. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy by Simson Garfinkel is both a readable technical user's guide and a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at cryptography and privacy. Part I, "PGP Overview," introduces PGP and cryptography. Part II, "Cryptography History and Policy," describes the history of PGP -- its personalities, legal battles, and other intrigues; it also provides background on the battles over public key cryptography patents and U.S. government export restrictions, and other aspects of the ongoing public debates about privacy and free speech. Part III, "Using PGP," describes how to use PGP: protecting files and email, creating and using keys, signing messages, certifying and distributing keys, and using key servers. Part IV, "Appendices," describes how to obtain PGP from Internet sites, how to install it on PCs, UNIX systems, and the Macintosh, and other background information. The book also contains a glossary, a bibliography, and a handy reference card that summarizes all of the PGP commands, environment variables, and configuration variables.
The publisher, O'Reilly and Associates
Use of the Internet is expanding beyond anyone's expectations. As corporations, government offices, and ordinary citizens begin to rely on the information highway to conduct business, they are realizing how important it is to protect their communications -- both to keep them a secret from prying eyes and to ensure that they are not altered during transmission. Encryption, which until recently was an esoteric field of interest only to spies, the military, and a few academics, provides a mechanism for doing this. PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy, is a free and widely available encryption program that lets you protect files and electronic mail. Written by Phil Zimmermann and released in 1991, PGP works on virtually every platform and has become very popular both in the U.S. and abroad. Because it uses state-of-the-art public key cryptography, PGP can be used to authenticate messages, as well as keep them secret. With PGP, you can digitally "sign" a message when you send it. By checking the digital signature at the other end, the recipient can be sure that the message was not changed during transmission and that the message actually came from you. PGP offers a popular alternative to U.S. government initiatives like the Clipper Chip because, unlike Clipper, it does not allow the government or any other outside agency access to your secret keys. PGP: Pretty Good Privacy by Simson Garfinkel is both a readable technical user's guide and a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at cryptography and privacy. Part I, "PGP Overview," introduces PGP and the cryptography that underlies it. Part II, "Cryptography History and Policy," describes the history of PGP -- its personalities, legal battles, and other intrigues; it also provides background on the battles over public key cryptography patents and the U.S. government export restrictions, and other aspects of the ongoing public debates about privacy and free speech. Part III, "Using PGP," describes how to use PGP: protecting files and email, creating and using keys, signing messages, certifying and distributing keys, and using key servers. Part IV, "Appendices," describes how to obtain PGP from Internet sites, how to install it on PCs, UNIX systems, and the Macintosh, and other background information. The book also contains a glossary, a bibliography, and a handy reference card that summarizes all of the PGP commands, environment variables, and configuration variables.
Use of the Internet is expanding beyond anyone's expectations.
As corporations, government offices, and ordinary citizens
begin to rely on the information highway to conduct business,
they are realizing how important it is to protect their
communications -- both to keep them a secret from prying
eyes and to ensure that they are not altered during transmission.
Encryption, which until recently was an esoteric field of
interest only to spies, the military, and a few academics,
provides a mechanism for doing this.
PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy, is a free and
widely available encryption program that lets you protect files and
electronic mail. Written by Phil Zimmermann and released
in 1991, PGP works on virtually every platform and has become
very popular both in the U.S. and abroad. Because it uses
state-of-the-art public key cryptography, PGP can be used to
authenticate messages, as well as keep them secret. With PGP,
you can digitally "sign" a message when you send it. By
checking the digital signature at the other end, the recipient
can be sure that the message was not changed during
transmission and that the message actually came from you.
PGP offers a popular alternative to U.S. government initiatives like
the Clipper Chip because, unlike Clipper, it does not allow the
government or any other outside agency access to your secret keys.
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy by Simson Garfinkel is both a readable
technical user's guide and a fascinating behind-the-scenes look
at cryptography and privacy. Part I, "PGP Overview," introduces PGP and
the cryptography that underlies it. Part II, "Cryptography History and
Policy," describes the history of PGP -- its personalities, legal
battles, and other intrigues; it also provides background on the battles
over public key cryptography patents and the U.S. government export
restrictions, and other aspects of the ongoing public debates about
privacy and free speech. Part III, "Using PGP," describes how to use
PGP: protecting files and email, creating and using keys, signing
messages, certifying and distributing keys, and using key servers.
Part IV, "Appendices," describes how to obtain PGP from Internet sites,
how to install it on PCs, UNIX systems, and the Macintosh, and other
background information. The book also contains a glossary, a
bibliography, and a handy reference card that summarizes all of the PGP
commands, environment variables, and configuration variables.