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Traveller's History of Italy  
Author: Valerio Lintner
ISBN: 1566565219
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Small Press
A Traveller's History of Italy makes ideal 'before-you-go' reading, putting names and places in the country into proper perspective. The Daily Telegraph (London) [A] unique... delightful book... provides a lively text in this small volume that goes a long way in explaining to the traveler just who has walked the stones of Rome before him. Small Press

Book Description
A Traveller's History of Italy analyzes the development of the Italian people from pre-historic times right through to the imaginative, resourceful and fiercely independent Italians we know today. All the major periods of Italian history are dealt with, including the Etruscans, the Romans, the communes and the city states which spawned the glories of the Renaissance, right up to modern times. For travellers on the ground or students at their desks, this handy paperback will prove invaluable.

About the Author
Valerio Lintner is principal Lecturer at London Guildhall University.

Traveller's History of Italy


A Traveller's History of Italy analyzes the development of the Italian people from pre-historic times right through to the imaginative, resourceful and fiercely independent Italians we know today. All the major periods of Italian history are dealt with, including the Etruscans, the Romans, the communes and the city states which spawned the glories of the Renaissance. In more modern times, Unification and the development and the degeneration of the Liberal state into Fascism are covered, as well as the rise of Italy to the position it currently enjoys as a leading member of the European Community. The Gazetteer, which is cross-referenced to the main text, highlights sites, towns, churches and cathedrals of historical importance to the visitor. For traveller's on the ground or students at their desks, this handy paperback will prove invaluable.


Daily Telegraph

A Traveller's History of Italy makes ideal "before-you-go" reading, putting names and places in the country into proper perspective.

Small Press

[A] unique...delightful book...provides a lively text in this small volume that goes a long way in explaining to the traveler just who has walked the stones of Rome before him.


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