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Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide  
Author: David Cassady
ISBN: 1566867142
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

This Squaresoft-sanctioned book on one of the most highly anticipated console games ever does not disappoint. Those who have managed to obtain a copy of the game (descriptions of rioting and fighting upon the retail release of Final Fantasy IIV sound like sheer hyperbole, but probably aren't) will find plenty of helpful clues, maps, and general game play advice. Those less fortunate can at least take solace in--or further whet their appetites with--the hundreds of beautiful glossy screen shots that fill each chapter.

Book Description
With the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide gamers have the opportunity to save their world from an evil corporation which is siphoning off energy from the planet. Complete walkthroughs and all the maps help players navigate the game. Character descriptions, complete lists of items, monsters and magic and the revelation of all the secrets help players defeat the evil corporation. The ONLY Guide with COMPLETE Coverage of the American Game! Find over 350 full-color maps, ultimate weapons, extreme breaks, complete bestiary, walkthroughs, character bios, boss strategies, materia combinations, and more.

From the Back Cover
With the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide gamers have the opportunity to save their world from an evil corporation which is siphoning off energy from the planet. Complete walkthroughs and all the maps help players navigate the game. Character descriptions, complete lists of items, monsters and magic and the revelation of all the secrets help players defeat the evil corporation. The ONLY Guide with COMPLETE Coverage of the American Game! Find over 350 full-color maps, ultimate weapons, extreme breaks, complete bestiary, walkthroughs, character bios, boss strategies, materia combinations, and more.

Final Fantasy VII Official Guide


With the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide gamers have the opportunity to save their world from an evil corporation which is siphoning off energy from the planet. Complete walkthroughs and all the maps help players navigate the game. Character descriptions, complete lists of items, monsters and magic and the revelation of all the secrets help players defeat the evil corporation. The ONLY Guide with COMPLETE Coverage of the American Game! Find over 350 full-color maps, ultimate weapons, extreme breaks, complete bestiary, walkthroughs, character bios, boss strategies, materia combinations, and more.


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