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By Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism  
Author: Deanna J. Conway
ISBN: 156718166X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review
By Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism


Take one part of the world's oldest spiritual system (shamanism), mix in one part of one of the world's most popular spiritual cultures (the Celts), and bring it up to date by blending in modern forms of shamanism. The result is one of the most amazing books you'll ever use, D. J. Conway's By Oak, Ash, & Thorn.

This book is filled with information that can start you on a lifetime of study, practice, and spirituality. First, you'll learn about ancient and modern forms of shamanism. You'll discover the secrets of the three shamanic worlds, and how you can travel through these mysterious realms. You'll be shown how to communicate and deal with the entities and allies you meet there. You'll also learn about the tools that a shaman uses.

The thing that makes this book unique is that it comes from the viewpoint of Celtic shamanism, and not some generalized form. As a result, the worlds are specifically Celtic in nature. The tools come from Celtic myth and lore. The fifty entities you meet are named and defined as the Faery Folk and their kin - from the Bean sidhe (banshee) to the Will o' the Wisp (a faery who appears at night in lonely places carrying a lantern to confuse travellers). Almost fifty more animal allies are listed and described. You will also learn the mysteries of the vision quest and how it applies and can be used by Celtic shamans.

Before starting your journey you will take a test to determine your strengths and weaknesses as a potential shaman.

Other topics include:

- Shamanic Healing

- Soul Retrieval

- Shape-shifting

- Invisibility

- Divination with stones, the omen stick and the Ogam alphabet

- Pathworking through the three shamanic worlds

- Different forms of Celtic magic

- Herbs

This only begins to hint at everything that you can learn from this book. Get your copy today.

Author Biography: D.J. Conway was born in Hood River, Oregon, to a family of Irish-North Germanic-Native North American descent. She began her quest for knowledge of the occult more than 25 years ago, and has been involved in many aspects of New Age religion from the teaching of Yogananda to study of the Quabla, healing, herbs, and Wicca. Although an ordained minister in two New Age churches and holder of a Doctor of Divinity degree. Conway claims that her heart lies within the Pagan cultures. No longer actively lecturing and teaching as she did for years, Conway has centered her energies on writing. Several of her stories have been published in magazines, such as Encounters, which pertains to the field of science fantasy.


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