Karma 101: What Goes Around comes Around...and What You can do About It FROM THE PUBLISHER
Karma is not a moral law. It's not a force wielded by the gods, nor a system of divine punishment and reward. It's a simple description of how things interact, like Newton's law of action and reaction.
Karma, in fact, is simply the Sanskrit word for action, The Buddha, however, refined it to refer to the motivation or intent behind an action. Our intentions constitute the Karma of an action and shape its result.
The more "good karma" we create, that is, the more our actions are guided by positive motives, by concern and compassion, care and love, the more good karma we add to the universe. And that affects the universe, because, as today's physics tell us, the universe is an organic whole.
Filled with dozens of simple, practical ways to improve you karma, Karma 101 will show you why what goes around comes around.
Karma rules. Learn how to use it to make your life a world of joy and contentment.