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Infinities: ANew Hope  
Author: Chris Warner
ISBN: 156971648X
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From School Library Journal
Adult/High School-Remaining faithful to the themes and sensibilities of classic Star Wars, this episode pits good against evil in the persons of a Luke so young that he is not in full possession of the discipline he needs to effect the ends he believes to be right and Darth Vader's forces of trickery and destruction. Princess Leia is kidnapped and Luke is desperate to find the truth of her fate, but Artoo has been put out of commission and that, too, requires more focused attention than the young hero can muster. He conflicts with Han over the proper approach to resolving these emotional and ethical issues but, eventually, learns to gain control of himself before taking on the dark forces. The beautiful coloring of these action-packed panels gives a cinematic fullness to the page, and the pacing carries the story forward with smooth speed. This is an excellent addition to science-fiction collections, as well as to graphic novel offerings.Francisca Goldsmith, Berkeley Public Library, CACopyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

Book Description
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... The events and players are very familiar but something isn't quite right. Luke Skywalker valiantly attacks the Death Star, fires his torpedoes - and they miss their mark! Welcome to a Star Wars you never imagined, a Star Wars shattered, a Star Wars where the possibilities are ENDLESS! Dark Horse Comics is proud to introduce Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope, the first in a series of non-continuity Star Wars stories which are sure to delight Star Wars fans of all ages. Taking off from the end of events in the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, Infinities readers will follow Luke, Han, Leia, Threepio, and Artoo on a journey every bit as action-packed and fantastic as the original Star Wars trilogy.

Infinities: A\New Hope


School Library Journal

Adult/High School-Remaining faithful to the themes and sensibilities of classic Star Wars, this episode pits good against evil in the persons of a Luke so young that he is not in full possession of the discipline he needs to effect the ends he believes to be right and Darth Vader's forces of trickery and destruction. Princess Leia is kidnapped and Luke is desperate to find the truth of her fate, but Artoo has been put out of commission and that, too, requires more focused attention than the young hero can muster. He conflicts with Han over the proper approach to resolving these emotional and ethical issues but, eventually, learns to gain control of himself before taking on the dark forces. The beautiful coloring of these action-packed panels gives a cinematic fullness to the page, and the pacing carries the story forward with smooth speed. This is an excellent addition to science-fiction collections, as well as to graphic novel offerings.-Francisca Goldsmith, Berkeley Public Library, CA Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.


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