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Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook  
Author: Martha Davis
ISBN: 1572242140
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Although the sheer size of this dense workbook might cause initial hyperventilation--280 full-size sheets of text--take heart (and a deep breath!): the many self-assessment tools and calming techniques presented in this fifth edition can help overcome anxiety and promote physical and emotional well-being. First introduced in 1980, the book received praise for presenting a comprehensive look at stress, its physical manifestations, and the multiple ways it can be managed. Twenty years later, its well-organized chapters on breathing, relaxation, meditation, thought stopping, and body awareness still guide the reader through copious self-help techniques to try and, eventually, master. Other chapters, including job stress management, goal setting and time management, and assertiveness training, focus on daily scenarios people often find distressing. Lessons in identifying key elements that trigger unpleasant responses and in reacting differently to these elements are designed to defuse perceived conflicts. For this edition, coauthors Martha Davis (psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry of Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, CA), Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman (licensed clinical social worker with Kaiser Permanente Online), and Matthew McKay (clinical director of Haight-Ashbury Psychological Services, San Francisco, CA) have added topics on worry control, anger management, and eye-movement therapy. New diagrams and a more reader-friendly format should appeal to readers, despite a few typos and graphical mishaps. This is a valuable tool for therapists, their patients, and the stressed-at-large. --Liane Thomas

Midwest Book Review
Psychologist Davis teams with a social worker and a clinical therapist to present a concise survey of stress reduction methods, from hypnosis and meditation to biofeedback and assertiveness training. From skills training to behavior modification routines, this provides many suggestions for coping.

Book Description
The bible on stress reduction marks its 20th anniversary with this revised and expanded edition featuring a reader-friendly format with additional techniques, diagrams, examples, and information reflecting the latest research. The chapters on meditation, thought stopping, and coping- skills training have been substantially reworked, and a new chapter on worry control has been added. "An exemplary book on stress; it is lucidly written, it is rationally ordered, it is comprehensive, and each section is densely packed with instructions and exercises which make the workbook easy to practice." - Somatics magazine

Relaxation Workbook 5th


The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook By Martha Davis, Ph.D. et al. Practical stress management and relaxation techniques for reducing worry, depression, chronic anxiety, and fears that can hamper physical and psychological health, relationships, & job performance. B&W illus. 276pp. HC / Pub. date: Dec. 1997


Stress occurs whenever there is change. We all know how fast our society is changing -- so it's not surprising that the rate of stress related illnesses is also growing. In fact, every year, about fifteen percent of the American population -- nearly 40 million people -- suffer panic attacks, anxiety, and other stress related conditions. In this completely revised and updated award-winning book, you'll learn how to use breathing to release tension and control stress symptoms, how to progressively relax all the muscles of your body, and how to enjoy the benefits of meditation, visualization, self-hypnosis and relaxation tapes. You'll find out how your thoughts can influence your feelings and behavior, how to rid yourself of distressing thoughts and irrational ideas, and how to cope with anxiety, anger and other unpleasant emotions. New to this edition is the latest information on Worry Control. An entire chapter explains how to evaluate your worries and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy worry, how to turn worrying into problem solving, how to overcome your worst fears, and how to change behavior that leads to needless worry. Covering every major approach to stress management, including valuable information on how to deal more effectively and less stressfully with other people, The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook has proven its effectiveness for more than two decades. Let it empower you with the skills you need to stop living under constant pressure and start living with greater pleasure.


The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook By Martha Davis, Ph.D. et al. Practical stress management and relaxation techniques for reducing worry, depression, chronic anxiety, and fears that can hamper physical and psychological health, relationships, & job performance. B&W illus. 276pp. HC / Pub. date: Dec. 1997


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