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Multifidus Back Pain Solution  
Author: Jim Johnson
ISBN: 1572242787
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Book Description
New research suggests that most back pain is caused by underdeveloped multifidus muscles, those that connect the spinal vertebrae and are crucial in bending the back. This book presents exercises to strengthen the multifidus group. Simple explanations and black-and-white drawings throughout show readers how to work with these muscles.

Book Info
(New Harbinger Publications) Emory Univ. Hospital, Atlanta, GA. Consumer text, based on results from the newest scientifically proven research, offers back-pain sufferers real relief and simple exercises targeting the exact muscles newly identified to be the source of most back pain. Softcover.

From the Author
I have been in the trenches treating good people with bad backs for over a decade now. I do not in this book, however, offer my experiences or success stories. Rather I report to you in simple terms a new treatment for back pain which comes straight from research done by the scientific back pain community over recent years. If you are confused about the treatment for back pain, let me tell you that it is equally confusing for the clinician. Over time, I have learned to fall back on the scientific literature to guide my treatments of back pain instead of doing something because "it seems to make sense," "I learned it in school," or "I tried it once and it worked." Anyone looking into a book or treatment on back pain needs to ask themselves one question, "Has it been supported in controlled trials?" It's the same question doctors ask themselves when choosing medications for their patients. Back pain treatments should be no different. The simple exercises described in this book, that anyone can do at home, have been supported in multiple, randomized controlled trials- the highest proof of efficacy in the scientific community that a treatment really works- unlike other treatments for back pain such as stretching, heat, massage, mind-body therapies, etc. I have seen too many back pain patients struggling along using treatments that haven't a shred of evidence to them to report anything less to you. I have intentionally made this book short so you can get the facts fast and get on with the treatment. Furthermore, I have set the book up so it is as if you are actually attending therapy- complete with a question and answer section of the most common questions I hear from patients. I think you will find that what you invest in "The Multifidus Backpain Solution" learning about an evidenced based treatment for your back pain that you can readily use, will be time and money well spent. Jim Johnson, PT

Multifidus Back Pain Solution


New research suggests that most back pain is caused by underdeveloped multifidus muscles, those that connect the spinal vertebrae and are crucial in bending the back. This book presents exercises to strengthen the multifidus group. Simple explanations and black-and-white drawings throughout show readers how to work with these muscles.


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