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MCSE Networking Essentials Exam Prep (Exam: 70-058)  
Author: Ed Tittel
ISBN: 1576102378
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

In order to become a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), you're required to pass the Networking Essentials exam. If you've spent significant time maintaining or administering local-area networks (LANs), you're halfway there as the exam deals with such common problems as topology selection and protocol comparison. But exams and the real world aren't the same thing. You'll benefit from a guide to the exam that explains where it intersects with and where it diverges from reality.

Exam Prep: Networking Essentials begins with an extremely elementary explanation of what computer networks are and why they're desirable. The book then quickly moves on to topologies, protocols, and the other considerations involved in designing, expanding, or upgrading a LAN. Networking Essentials also covers cabling, network interface cards, and multi-protocol LANs, which are all on the exam.

Each subject's treatment comprises some readable prose, some thoroughly detailed definitions, and some tables, such as those that list various Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards that pertain to LANs. You'll find quiz questions (the answers appear in the back of the book) and some real-world scenarios in which you must do such things as justify the extra expense of Ethernet over ARCnet. A companion CD-ROM includes excellent test-simulator software.

Book Description
Serves as a comprehensive Exam Prep Study Guide for Exam #70-058: Networking Essentials. Features real-world examples, interactive activities, and over 100 hands-on projects that reinforce key concepts and help prepare for the exam. Includes an interactive CD-ROM with practice questions that allow readers to test their skills and knowledge and help build confidence before taking the actual certification exam. Presents a content and study approach officially endorsed by Microsoft. Provides extensive illustrations that help portray complex subject material. Contains troubleshooting tips that provide solutions to common problems.

Book Info
Serves as a comprehensive Exam Prep Study guide featuring real world examples: interactive step by step activities to help you successfully prepare for the MCSE (Networking Essentials Microsoft Certification Exam). Paper. CD-ROM included.

About the Author
Ed Tittel (Austin, TX) is president of LANWrights, Inc., a training and content development company. His author team specializes in certification training and networking and has authored over 100 best-selling computer books.

MCSE Networking Essentials Exam Prep


"Cutting-edge corporations highly value automated communication and storage of information-and multi-user network access to that information. Training of qualified systems engineers has become very important. To ensure quality knowledge among Systems Engineers, Microsoft has created the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) program, which includes an exam on Networking Essentials. Certification Insider Press developed MCSE Networking Essentials Exam Prep to help networking professionals gain knowledge that directly applies to the Microsoft certification exam. This Microsoft Certified Professional Approved Study Guide covers all topics needed to pass the Networking Essentials exam, including OSI models, network orientation and design, network communications and protocols, network architecture, administration and support, wide-area and long-haul networks, and Internet security."

"Serves as a comprehensive Exam Prep Study Guide for Exam &70-058: Networking Essentials."
"Features real-world examples, interactive activities, and over 100 hands-on projects that reinforce key concepts and help prepare for the exam."
"Includes an interactive CD-ROM with practice questions that allow readers to test their skills and knowledge and help build confidence before taking the actual certification exam."
"Presents a content and study approach officially endorsed by Microsoft."
"Provides extensive illustrations that help portray complex subject material."
"Contains troubleshooting tips that provide solutions to common problems."
"An interactive practice exam that features questions based on those encountered in the actual exam"
Answers toend-of-chapter questions and projects

"Ed Tittel, president of LANWrights, Inc., a training, consulting, and writing firm, has written over 30 computer books, including numerous Exam Crams. David Johnson, aka DJ, has worked in the networking trenches as a network administrator and trainer for eight years. DJ is currently general manager at LANWrights, Inc. Both authors reside in Austin, TX."


Programmers and networking professionals wanting to be certified in Networking Essentials.


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