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   Book Info

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Professional Software Development with Visual C 6.0 and MFC  
Author: Chao C. Chien
ISBN: 1584500972
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

Essam Ahmed, Author of JScript .NET Programming and Book Reviewer for The Code Channel and CodeGuru
...This book is ideal for developers transitioning from Visual Basic to VC++ and those interested in quickly learning MFC...

Book Description
Learn to develop commercial-quality software with Microsoft’s Visual C++ 6.0 and MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) through practical approaches and techniques used by professional developers. By following step-by-step, hands-on examples, programmers develop complete applications and learn how to integrate the techniques into their own software projects. All of the examples can be used immediately or easily modified to meet a variety of programming challenges. In addition to a thorough coverage of the new Microsoft.NET platform, the book introduces Microsoft’s new Visual C++ 7.0, C# language, and VisualStudio.NET development environment. Key Features
* Covers often-overlooked topics, including error and exception handling, debugging, project file maintenance, and Windows Registry operations
* Provides practical solutions and techniques for software projects, including ActiveX control creation, DLL construction, application program model selection, context-sensitive onscreen help production, and program installation and distribution
* Includes material on migrating to Visual C++ 7.0, C#, and VisualStudio.NET

Book Info
Ideal for developers transitioning from Visual basic to VC++ and those interested in quickly learning MFC. Provides hands-on examples for programmers to develop complete applications and learn how to integrate the techniques into their own software projects. Softcover. CD-ROM included.

About the Author
Chao C. Chien is a profesional software developer and the author of several programming books, including Programmer's Guide to Turbo C2 and Programming the IBM Personal Computer:Assembly Language. He teaches college-level programming courses, and currently consults in the Southern California area.

Professional Software Development with Visual C++ 6.0 and MFC


Written for beginning and experienced software developers working withMicrosoft's Visual C++ 6.0, this book is a complete guide to using MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) to develop commercial quality software. In addition to a thorough coverage of MFC for Visual C++ 6.0, it explains how to migrate to Microsoft's new Visual C++ 7.0, C# language, and VisualStudio.NET platform. Through practical solutions and shortcuts used by professional developers, programmers learn how to integrate these solutions into their own projects, including program application model selection, context-sensitive onscreen help production, Windows Registry operations, dynamic link library compatibility, and program installation and distribution. All of the examples covered can be easily modified to meet a variety of programming challenges.

KEY FEATURES - Explains how to transition to Visual C++ 7.0, C#, and VisualStudio.Net - Provides solutions to Windows Registry operations, DLL compatibility, and program installation and distribution - CD-ROM includes ready-to-use program modules, object libraries, complete source code for all examples, and third party software

Author Biography: Chao C. Chien is an experienced software developer and the author of several programming books, including Programmer's Guide to Turbo C2, Programming IBM PC Basic, and Programming the IBM Personal Computer: Assembly Language. Chien has also taught college courses on programming logic and programming languages. He resides in Corona, CA.


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