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Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide  
Author: Cisco Systems Inc., et al
ISBN: 1587130920
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review

From Book News, Inc.
This book/CD-ROM/supplement package supports the web-based course of the Cisco Networking Academy Program in preparation for the CompTIA A+ certificate exam. Coverage progresses from information technology basics and computer assembly through operating systems and troubleshooting both hardware and software. Learning features include chapter objectives, examples and scenarios, review questions, and activities. The CD-ROM contains exam questions, interactive activities, high-resolution photos, and video vignettes on hardware and software installation. The supplement contains updated material on Windows XP and other new hardware and software technologies.Copyright © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Book Description

The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program

This Companion Guide maps to the current version of the web-based course and contains many advancements and extra learning aids, including the following:
Close alignment with the online curriculum provides step-by-step guidance for studentsChapter objectives provide references to the concepts covered in each chapter, and an extensive glossary lists key terms and their definitions Review questions at the end of each chapter track progress and aid studyingAccompanying CD-ROM includes exclusive enrichment materials such as 15 e-Lab activities, more than 800 exam practice questions, 12 PhotoZooms of networking equipment, and 10 instructional videos that prepare students for the CompTIA A+ certification examAdditional resources on the CD-ROM include information on the features of the Windows XP operating system, as well as a certification map for the A+ certification exam objectives

Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide is the Cisco approved textbook that supports the Hewlett-Packard sponsored web-based course of the Cisco Networking Academy(tm) Program. The topics covered in this guide provide readers with the necessary knowledge to help them pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam and become certified computer service technicians. This guide also prepares students to be able to properly install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot, and repair microcomputer hardware.

Cisco Press is a collaboration between Cisco Systems, Inc., and Pearson Education that is charged with developing high-quality, cutting-edge educational and reference products for the networking industry. The products in the Cisco Networking Academy Program series are designed to prepare students for careers in the exciting networking field. These products have proven to be strong supplements to the web-based curriculum and are the only print companions that have been reviewed and endorsed by Cisco Systems for Cisco Networking Academy Program use.

The new release of the CompTIA A+ certification exam is expected in September 2003. For information on updated material covering the new exam objectives, visit www.ciscopress.com/ITEssentials.

Companion CD-ROM
This companion CD-ROM contains comprehensive exam questions, interactive e-Lab activities, high- resolution photographs, and video vignettes covering hardware and software installation.

Book Info
Guide to prepare students for the A+ certification exam. Companion guide will align and correlate with the web-based course from the Cisco Networking Academy Program that is sponsored by Hewlett-Packard. Sample questions included.

From the Back Cover
The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy ProgramThis Companion Guide maps to the current version of the web-based course and contains many advancements and extra learning aids, including the following:* Close alignment with the online curriculum provides step-by-step guidance for students* Chapter objectives provide references to the concepts covered in each chapter, and an extensive glossary lists key terms and their definitions * Review questions at the end of each chapter track progress and aid studying* Accompanying CD-ROM includes exclusive enrichment materials such as 15 e-Lab activities, more than 800 exam practice questions, 12 PhotoZooms of networking equipment, and 10 instructional videos that prepare students for the CompTIA A+ certification exam* Additional resources on the CD-ROM include information on the features of the Windows XP operating system, as well as a certification map for the A+ certification exam objectivesCisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide is the Cisco approved textbook that supports the Hewlett-Packard sponsored web-based course of the Cisco Networking Academy(tm) Program. The topics covered in this guide provide readers with the necessary knowledge to help them pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam and become certified computer service technicians. This guide also prepares students to be able to properly install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot, and repair microcomputer hardware.Cisco Press is a collaboration between Cisco Systems, Inc., and Pearson Education that is charged with developing high-quality, cutting-edge educational and reference products for the networking industry. The products in the Cisco Networking Academy Program series are designed to prepare students for careers in the exciting networking field. These products have proven to be strong supplements to the web-based curriculum and are the only print companions that have been reviewed and endorsed by Cisco Systems for Cisco Networking Academy Program use.The new release of the CompTIA A+ certification exam is expected in September 2003. For information on updated material covering the new exam objectives, visit ciscopress/ITEssentials.Companion CD-ROMThis companion CD-ROM contains comprehensive exam questions, interactive e-Lab activities, high- resolution photographs, and video vignettes covering hardware and software installation.

About the Author

The Cisco Systems Worldwide Education curriculum development team in Phoenix is the developer of the Cisco Networking Academy Program online curriculum, and is the co-developer of this book, with Aries Technology, Inc. Aries is a multimedia curriculum development company located in Tempe, Arizona who has been working with WWE in developing the online curriculum. Aries education products and information can be viewed at www.aries.net

Cisco Networking Academy Program: IT Essentials PC and Hardware Companion Guide


Official textbook to accompany the new IT Essentials I, PC and Hardware course through the Networking Academy, sponsored by Hewlett-PackardComplements and corresponds to the Web-based coursePrepares Networking Academy students for the A+ ExamCan be used as a prerequisite text to the CCNA curricula through the Networking AcademyAccompanying CD includes additional topical coverage, instructional videos, interactive animations, simulations and lab activities

This title will prepare students for the A+ certification examination, which measures essential competencies for a break/fix microcomputer hardware service technician with six months of on-the-job experience. The examinee must demonstrate knowledge to properly install, configure, upgrade, troubleshoot and repair microcomputer hardware. This includes basic knowledge of desktop and portable systems, basic networking concepts, and printers. The examinee must also demonstrate knowledge of safety and common preventive maintenance procedures. Topics covered in these books will match the following A+ certification topics: installation, configuration, and upgrading, diagnosing and troubleshooting, safety and preventive maintenance, motherboard/processors/memory, printers, portable Systems, basic networking, customer satisfaction.

The Companion Guide correlates to the web-based course from the Cisco Networking Academy Program that is sponsored by Hewlett-Packard. The book contains chapter objectives, review questions, real-world examples, and sample questions to help prepare for the A+ examination.


This book/CD-ROM/supplement package supports the web-based course of the Cisco Networking Academy Program in preparation for the CompTIA A+ certificate exam. Coverage progresses from information technology basics and computer assembly through operating systems and troubleshooting both hardware and software. Learning features include chapter objectives, examples and scenarios, review questions, and activities. The CD-ROM contains exam questions, interactive activities, high-resolution photos, and video vignettes on hardware and software installation. The supplement contains updated material on Windows XP and other new hardware and software technologies. Annotation © 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


Library Journal

Authorized companion guides to the Cisco Networking Academy Program, an online "university" that prepares students for certification exams and IT careers, these up-to-date and comprehensive books feature clear chapter summaries and objectives, as well as review questions and quizzes to reinforce the self-study aspect. The CD-ROMs include hands-on exercises, hundreds of practice exam questions (which can be taken in "study mode" and worked through with assistance and performance tracking), high-resolution zoomable photos, maps for the exam objectives, and instructional videos. Essentials I contains a useful appendix on careers in information technology and various certifications. While both books reference additional "lab companion" titles, they are quite usable without. For large libraries and university libraries serving computer science programs; smaller libraries should invest in less thorough titles (see Computer Media, LJ 11/1/02). Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.


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