Here for the first time in book form is a new quartet of Frank Bonham's finest Western stories. Well-realized characters and cleverly constructed plots utilizing unconventional elements were two of Bonham's many strengths as a Western writer. Bill Devlin of "Butcherknife Ridge" is typical of Bonham's tough but fair, rugged yet flawed protagonists -- a man fighting to earn respect for himself while trying to clear the name of his grandfather. "Border Man" is remarkable for the ease and skill with which Bonham combines a number of disparate elements and characters into a colorful, suspenseful narrative set in the Arizona-Mexico border country. Fast and furious action is the keynote in "Outcasts of Rebel Creek" set in the high-desert country of eastern California which culminates in a pitched gun battle. Bandits, hostile Indians, Southern sympathizers, and other hardships beset freighter Jess Clyman on his journey to Mexico City and make for a tense, colorful narrative in "Dusty Wheels-Bloody Trail."