This is the book that opens up airplane collecting to the enthusiastic beginner, but also informs the expert. Hundreds of diecast planes and helicopters from all over the world are photographed in plan view or side elevation so that readers can identify the unmarked toy. There are comprehensive catalog listings to tell you what has been made from the first penny toy to the latest production. Histories of the manufacturers provide fascinating background detail: why Tootsie Toys were so litigious, or why English Dinky Toys called one plane a twin engine fighter instead of using its correct name. Readers can feast their eyes on some of the rarest planes from some of the best collections, such as the very first published picture of Dinky's prototype of the Boeing SST, which did not make it into production.
The volume has been researched for over ten years and will undoubtedly become the collectors bible for all those interested in diecast aircraft.