Book Info |  |  |  enlarge picture
| Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist | | Author: | Dan Barker | ISBN: | 1877733075 | Format: | Handover | Publish Date: | June, 2005 | | | |  | | | |  | Book Review |  |  |
Atheists United, November 1993 "Few other books offer such an insightful and conclusive indictment of religion . . . immensely readable and intellectually stimulating."
Norm Allen, Atheists of Florida, May 1993 "An excellent, entertaining and highly readable book which can be used to easily demolish the 'strongest' arguments of unreasoning Christians . . . a remarkable debating aid."
Gordon Stein, Ph.D, The American Rationalist, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1993 "Barker writes well. He seems to reason well . . . and has worked out a ready response to the most common Christian objections to atheism."
The Human Quest, Sept.-Oct. 1993 "A capable and searching defense of humanism by one who has lived on both sides of the street."
The Truth Seeker, Vo. 120, No. 3, 1993 "A substantial and timely addition to the freethought literature."
Andrew Fandre, Huntsville Times, October 24, 1993 "Barker is compelling, humorous, and rational. His arguments are clear and thought-provoking."
Book Description Autobiographical story of journeying from fundamentalist/evangelical minister to atheist. Includes criticism of religion, fallacies and harm of Christianity, and invocation of freethought, reason and humanism.
From the Publisher A challenge to believers; an arsenal for skeptics.
From the Back Cover Losing Faith In Faith records Dan Barker's dramatic journey form devout soul-winner to one of America's most prominent freethinkers. After 19 years of preaching following his "calling" at age 15--including work as a missionary, ordained minister, associate pastor, touring evangelist, Christian songwriter and performer--Dan Barker "lost faith in faith." Today Barker, Public Relations Director of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., frequently represents freethought on the talkshow circuit and at personal appearances around the country. In Losing Faith In Faith, Barker explains why he left the ministry. He also offers a definitive, compelling analysis of why he rejects belief in a god and the claims of religion. He explores the fallacies, inconsistencies, and harm of Christian doctrine and theistic dogma. In its place, he issues an appealing and compassionate invocation of freethought, reason, and humanism. Losing Faith in Faith is both a challenge to believers and an arsenal for skeptics.
About the Author Dan Barker, a former fundamentalist minister and Christian songwriter, is now Public Relations Director for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., in Madison Wisconsin. He has also written Just Pretend: A Freethought Book For Children (FFRF, Inc.), Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide For Young Skeptics (Prometheus Books), and Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide For Young Thinkers (Prometheus Books).
Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist
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