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Making of Elite Women: Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea  
Author: Tanja R. Muller
ISBN: 9004142878
Format: Handover
Publish Date: June, 2005
   Book Review
Making of Elite Women: Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea


This book contains a thorough study of the upcoming of elite women in Eritrea, encompassing the time of the armed struggle for liberation and its aftermath, up to the tenth anniversary of Eritrean independence in 2001 and beyond. The study is multidisciplinary, combining a comprehensive analysis of Eritrean history, society and political developments with extensive case study research of the lives of different groups of elite women.


The revolution that formed Eritrea, a small nation on Africa's east coast, was both political and social, calling for emancipation and equality of women. Muller (Wageningen U.) examines how this liberation of the masses plays out in individual women who are members in one way or another of the elite of Eritrea, who are essential to the process of nation-building. She begins by examining women in a revolutionary society and their roles. She studies what the revolution and changes in society have actually meant to the freedom fighters, university graduates, and high school women of Eritrea in terms of their current challenges and ambitions. She finds that despite the fact that the revolution called for change for the masses, the emancipation process has actually been entirely personal and individual. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR


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